In-Person Readings

All in-person readings are suspended until further notice. Gatherings/classes continue on Zoom.


In an in-person reading, I look at you for a moment or two (I am connecting with your energy.) Then the channel begins giving information. (I do not allow you to share any information before the reading. Please refrain from asking questions or saying what you would like to hear about.) During the first part of the reading, your past (usually including the creation of your Being and “past lives”), present, and future are explored. When this part of the reading is done, you have time for questions. You may ask anything you wish. The first part of the consultation covers your overall intents and purposes as a Being (soul) as well as your intents and purposes in this lifetime. In your questions, you will cover what specifically concerns you right now. With this complete information, you will be able to make the (conscious) choices you want regarding your life.

All appointments are made in advance and are in Campbell, CA. In person readings are recorded and the recording is emailed to you after your reading, no charge.


  • Half hour (30 min)  $90.00
  • Hour (60 min)          $180.00

A 48 HOUR CANCELLATION NOTICE IS REQUIRED for all classes and appointments. Otherwise, full payment is expected

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